8717044 (CellLineName: COS-7) These results demonstrate a G-protein-coupled mechanism for Ras activation, mediated by p140 Ras-GRF.
8700529 (CellLineName: CHO) Transient expression of CDC25Mm in CHO cells activates Ras.
14749369 Furthermore, we have recently demonstrated that the ability of RasGRF1 to activate Ras is regulated by the Rho family GTPase Cdc42, by a mechanism that entails the translocation of RasGRF1 to the cell particulate fraction ( 3 , 4 ).
(Tissue: blood, CellType: b cell) Phosphorylation of RasGRP3 by PKC may be critical to modulate its association with Ras at the plasma membrane and the subsequent activation of the ERK MAPK cascade.
1447167 As a consequence, the CDC25Mm induces a rapid formation of the biologically active Ras.GTP complex.
8626650 Here we report that mutations within the switch 2 domain of Ras (residues 62-69) inhibit activation of Ras by the mammalian GEFs, Sos1, and GRF/CDC25Mm.