11463794 (CellLineName: COS-7) A, phosphorylation of Elk1 by HA-ERK1 and HA-ERK1b.
12498787 Since Erk1 and Erk2 regulate transcription from the Fos serum response element (SRE) by phosphorylating the ternary complex factors Elk-1 and SAP-1 ( Treisman, 1995 ), we examined the effect of integrin ligation on the Fos SRE.
12032150 (Organ: kidney, CellLineName: Madin Darby) In the nucleus, activated ERK1/2 continuously phosphorylate Elk-1, leading to the prolonged expression of c- fos , which results in the expression of several genes such as matrix metalloproteinase (mmp)-9 ; MMP-9 activity is required for the induction of the cell motility response.
11297525 (Tissue: marrow) In addition, the activation of ERK1/2 correlated with increased activation of the downstream transcription factor Elk-1.
11782488 (Tissue: cortex, CellType: neural, CellLineName: PC 12) It was also reported that BMK1 activation is required for neurotrophin stimulation of MEF2C in both cortical neurons and PC12 cells, distinct from ERK1/2-induced activation of Elk1 and CREB transcription factors ( 30 ).
11751459 (Tissue: lymph, CellLineName: reh) On bryo 1 treatment, the activity of ERK2 (p42) rapidly increased, with ERK1 (p44) protein levels remaining constant. p44/42 immunoprecipitates from lysates of bryo 1-treated cells had increased their ability to phosphorylate the transcription factor Elk-1.
10024371 (Organ: liver, Tissue: fat, CellType: eosinophil, CellLineName: CWSV1) Induction of the SRE occurs upon formation of a ternary complex with serum response factor, p62 TCF , and the SRE. 118 ERK1/2 was shown to phosphorylate p62 TCF (also known as elk-1 or SAP-1), resulting in enhanced ternary complex formation. 119 Thus, the SRE present in the c- fos promoter may be regulated by angiotensin II??????stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation of p62 TCF , as shown for EGF. 119 Activation of ERK1/2 requires activation of Ras and Raf, events that are regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation.