9094716 (CellType: neural, CellLineName: PC 12) Rap1, activated by mutation or by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase PKA, is a selective activator of B-Raf and an inhibitor of Raf-1.
10976102 (CellType: fibroblast, CellLineName: Swiss 3T3) Rap1 then activates B-Raf and thereby MEK and ERK ( 38 , 53-55 ).
15572664 By recruiting a different set of adapter proteins, TrkA causes an activation of Rap-1 that stimulates B-Raf.
12855697 (Tissue: lymph, CellType: t cell) Recent studies indicate that Rap1 activates B-Raf by recruiting B-Raf to the membrane.
11950876 Rap1, a Ras-related G protein, has been reported to activate B-Raf but to inhibit Raf-1 (Vossler et al., 1997 ).
10854065 (CellType: spermatid) Moreover, in mouse spermatids, i.e., the haploid cytodifferentiating cells, a so far unidentified protein complex formed by endogenous Rap1/B-Raf/14-3-3 theta can be coimmunoprecipitated.
15064721 Our study further showed that the E1/4 cell-specific B-Raf activity was stimulated by PLC gamma and subsequent Rap1 activation.