This is the first of two pathways which deals with the DNA damage response. It comprises two central gene products (ATM and ATR) influenced by different sources of DNA damage (in blue). The two central genes can both be divides into their most important genes. For the ATM pathway these are TP53 and CHEK2, while CHEK1 is most important for the ATR pathway.
The goal of this first pathway is to provide an overview of the most important gene products, processes and changes in cell condition elicited by the DNA damage response while keeping it clear and understandable.
Also some microRNAs are implemented to visualize the possible effects they can induce. By doing so a better understanding of the role microRNA play in the DNA damage response might arise.
All processes take place in the cytoplasm, except when mentioned differently.
Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [ CPTAC Assay Portal].